15. Such a Pretty Girl

This was a really good read. Not the light fluff I'm usually reading, that's for sure. Here's a review from B&N:
Meredith has run out of time. Her father was supposed to be away for nine years, but he is out in three and on his way home. Her mother is in denial, still furious with her daughter for reporting the rape that caused his conviction. This terrifying, powerful novel of child abuse and molestation is told by fifteen-year-old Meredith as it is happening. Her voice is whip-smart, self-aware, and full of dry humor even as her choppy sentences communicate her terror. From the moment she sees him again, she knows that her father will try again. Meredith is not alone. Her grandmother lives across town, and both the cop who arrested her father and her boyfriend, Andy, live in her condo complex. When he was only seven, Andy was also abused by Meredith's father. Now he is nineteen, a paraplegic, and living with his mother who, disguised, waits to take revenge. But Meredith comes to believe that she must save herself. Her father must be arrested again before he molests other children. She is "the sacrificial lamb."
The book is short, just over 200 pages, and definitely not one that can be put down until it is finished.
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