36. Right Before Your Eyes

This was good chick lit. The storyline was a bit different, the writing was smart and fast and the main character and one of her love interestes reminded me a lot of Luke and Lorelai on Gilmore Girls which of course is one of my all time favorites.
Here's a description from B&N.com:
Outspoken playwright Liza Weiler left Yale with everything she thought she needed to make her mark on the New York stage. So why, nearly a decade later, is she still waiting for her “real” life to finally begin? But like any great drama, Liza’s life only needs one good twist. And that’s what happens when she turns her ankle on the way out of a downtown nightspot and falls into the arms of a suspiciously gallant Wall Street prince and a practically perfect ER doc. Suddenly Liza not only has a couple of men in her life, but her play has fallen into the hands of a über-hip theater director. Now Liza’s about to discover how much mess she can make of a seemingly good thing…and how terrifying, slightly tragic, and utterly hilarious a little success can be.
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